Cherry blossoms are in fully bloom in Tsukuba City. Spring is coming. Our lab is ready to welcome new members, and start new academic year, 2022.
Cherry blossoms are in fully bloom in Tsukuba City. Spring is coming. Our lab is ready to welcome new members, and start new academic year, 2022.
IEEJ PES-IEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems 2022 was held on 18 March and Mr. Rishal Asri (D1) of Energy Systems Laboratory presented his research, “A fundamental study on shared energy storage models for residential consumers in Indonesia. Continue reading
Cherry blossoms are blooming. They celebrate graduation and welcome new students under challenging circumstances.
International Smart Energy Workshop 2020 was held with Kyungpook National University in Korea. Kyungpook National University is a national university in Daegu. This event was held jointly with Power System & Smart Energy Network Lab (PSSENL) chaired by Prof. Sekyung Han and Energy Systems Lab, University of Tsukuba. Due to COVID-19, internet meeting system was used. Two from each, total four graduate students presented their latest research results. Delegates had a lively discussion after each presentation. We agreed to have regular workshops toward establishment of international collaboration.